New Elements in HTML 5: Great for Blogging

W3C HTMLNew elements in HTML 5 — Structure and semantics is an interesting article by Elliotte Rusty Harold on the new elements introduced in HTML 5 which include

  • section, header, article and aside
  • nav and footer
  • video and audio

Running a blog yourself you might have noticed these new tags are exactly what you need to structure your content while making divs obsolete.

Elliotte Rusty Harold writes:

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 5 introduces new elements to HTML for the first time since the last millennium.
This new version of HTML—usually called HTML 5, although it also goes under the name Web Applications 1.0—would be instantly recognizable to a Web designer frozen in ice in 1999 and thawed today.
That’s not a happy coincidence. HTML 5 was explicitly designed to degrade gracefully in browsers that don’t support it. The reason is simple: We are all cave people.

The great benefit of having dedicated tags for e.g. section, article and header is of course that it is machine parsable. A program understands

My Great Content
as your post’s content but couldn’t make much sense of
My not so great content

Read the full article by Elliotte Rusty Harold with examples on IBM’s developerWorks.

Read the HTML 5/Web Applications 1.0 Working Draft.

tags: , Elliotte Rusty Harold, , HTML tags, , section, Web Applications 1.0

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