

iPhone and iPod touch Web Apps

are small websites specifically designed for the iPhone and iPod touch by Apple. They are more an application than a website.

My Web Apps

You’ll find all web apps created by me on the iPhone sub-pages.

iPhone Subpages:

Native iPhone and iPod touch apps

Lots of great iPhone and iPod touch applications can be found on the iPhone App Store.

5 Responses to “iPhone”

  1. jeremy day says:

    it would be nice if we could use this keyboard on text messaging!!!!!!

  2. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    Apple doesn’t provide a protocol to send text to the messaging app. Nothing I can do about it.

  3. Raul S says:

    Hello Daniel…

    I just down loaded your Attendance Countdown app and must say, I think this is a great idea.
    I do have a question though… How do I stop the countdown for say… “lunch”?

    The instructions do not give me any info on how this works hence my stupid question.

    Thanks for your time.

    God Bless…….
    Raul S

  4. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    There is no way to stop the countdown, Raul. Just add your lunch time to the working hours.

  5. SLAVICA says:

    I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE your web app!!!
    Please keep up the great work, it is appreciated and makes it easy to keep track of my hours worked, especially with 3 jobs…
    Thank you again!!

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