
About Emojinator

Emojinator Icon

Use popular Japanese Emoji icons without any hacks on iPhone or iPod touch and send colorful mails, text messages or tweets to your friends by using this fun web app!

Emojinator enables you to use the popular Japanese Emoji icons on your iPhone or iPod touch.

Unlike native apps you have to buy from the iTunes app store, this web app uses no hacks to enable Emoji — it is completely save.


The desired Emoji icons are listed in the web app for you to chose. Once you’ve tapped on every Emoji you want, simply copy and paste them into any app (iPhone OS 3.0 required). The most recently used Emojis are stored at the top of the list for your convenience; even between visits.

This web app only works on iPhone or iPod touch because the Emoji icons are special unicode characters only interpreted by these devices.

Emojinator screenshot

Using Emojinator

To use Emojinator point the mobile Safari on your iPhone or iPod touch to:
→ http://emojinator.cinnamonthoughts.org/

10 Responses to “Emojinator”

  1. Sarah says:

    This is a very nice app. Why not submit to App Store?

  2. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    I haven’t had the time to write a native app yet. I’d love to do it though.

  3. Michael Korchmar says:

    I can’t figure out how to use the symbols??? Sent them to myself in a email but how do I add them to the iphone to use with email and texting?

  4. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    You tap the symbols on your iPhone or iPod touch and confirm you want to use the symbol. They are put in the text box on top of Emojinator’s page. After you’ve selected every symbol you want, just send them to Mail oder copy and paste them anywhere you want (iPhone OS 3.0 or higher).

  5. James says:

    Why not just download awesome emoji from the app store and all you have to do is turn it on and follow the instructions to unlocking it no need to do anything complicated.
    � ��

  6. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    This web app was created while Apple didn’t allow Emoji enabling apps in the app store.

  7. Paco says:

    Hi Daniel,

    can you tell me something about the usage rights of the emoji emoticons? i would like to use them in our forum? i have not found any info to copyrights or usage rights in the web?


  8. (post author) Daniel M. Gattermann says:

    The Emojis are regular unicode characters rendered by iOS the way they look.
    Open the web app on a non-iOS, non-OS X device and you’ll see what I mean.

  9. Ethanyakhin says:

    These are already on iPhone just go to keyboard on setting

  10. (post author) Daniel M. Gattermann says:

    I know. I’ve created this web app while there was no easy way to get the Emojis.
    It’s a relic of past iOS days ;-)

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