Commenter Spy

Know Your Visitors’ Location — GeoMapLookup for WordPress

You sure wondered where all those nice folks come from (geographically; not in terms of referring website) who leave comments on your WordPress blog. The first step to answer this question would be to click on the commenter’s IP address on WordPress’ Manage → Comments page. But who’s interested in basic WHOIS output?

This WordPress plugin uses JavaScript to change the URL used for the IP address displayed next to a comment on your WordPress dashboard to query GeoMapLookup — a service to display the geographical location (geolocation) of the IP address used by your visitor who left the comment. There’s also a link added to the comment moderation and notification e-mails sent by WordPress.

iPhone and iPod touch support

Commenter Spy 2.0 added support for the GeoMapLookup iPhone and iPod touch app available on the App Store.

When using Commenter Spy on an iOS device, the app will launch instead of the website Furthermore a geomaplookup:// link for the app was added to comment notification emails. You can disable this iOS app integration by setting $commenterSpyUseGMLiOSApp to false in this plugin’s source code.

Notes and Requirements

GeoMapLookup uses ; coordinates provided by MaxMind’s GeoLite City. The accuracy may vary but at least this gives you a clue where the visitor’s ISP is located.

I’ve tested Commenter Spy using Safari, Firefox, Opera and IE 6 with multiple WordPress version. Commenter Spy 2.0 is compatible with WordPress 3.0 and above! To use it, just copy the downloaded commenter-spy.php to your blog’s /wp-content/plugins/ folder and activate the plugin. The plugin also supports


Please provide feedback via the contact page if you experience any problems using this plugin on your WordPress installation. It should work with localized versions. Please also leave a comment if you know an even better service to display an IP’s location.


This plugin is provided as is. Though I did my best to produce a plugin of good quality I can’t guarantee that this plugin is safe, secure or error free. Use it at your own risk and always make a backup copy of your blog before trying new plugins or themes! I’m not affiliated with or MaxMind.


Download Commenter Spy 2.0

Release Notes

Commenter Spy 2.0 (April 14th, 2011): changes since version 1.4

  • Added support for the GeoMapLookup iPhone and iPod touch app available on the App Store.
    When using Commenter Spy on an iOS device, the app will launch instead of the website Furthermore a geomaplookup:// link for the app was added to comment notification emails. You can disable this iOS app integration by setting $commenterSpyUseGMLiOSApp to false in this plugin’s source code.

Commenter Spy 1.4 (March 24th, 2009): changes since version 1.3 alpha

Commenter Spy 1.3 alpha (May 5th, 2008): changes since version 1.2

  • This version is only WordPress 2.5 compatible.

Commenter Spy 1.2 (February 27th, 2007): changes since version 1.1

  • Added a GeoMapLookup link to comment moderation and notification mails sent by WordPress.

Commenter Spy 1.1 (November 23rd, 2006): changes since version 1.0

  • I’ve started hosting a lookup tool at
  • The new URL hosted by me that is used to show the IP’s location is:
  • Supports Counterize IP URLs

Commenter Spy 1.0 (November 20th, 2006): initial release

66 Responses to “Commenter Spy”

  1. Trackback from Weblog Tools Collection » WP Plugin: Commenter Spy

    [...] WP Plugin: Commenter Spy Geo-locate your commenters using GeoTool and this plugin. Looks like GeoTool is hosted on a cablemodem so its longevity might be suspect. (No Ratings Yet)  Loading … tagged commenter spy, geotool, linkyloo and WordPress Plugins   If you enjoyed this post from Weblog Tools Collection please Subscribe to the RSS feed. Related Posts from the Past: [...]

  2. Trackback from Commenter Spy Plugin · Wordpress Workshop

    [...] Commenter Spy is a cool little plugin for wordpress that uses Geotool to display the geographical location of an IP address using Google Maps. The Commenter Spy Plugin was made by Daniel M. Gattermann, he mentions to “use it at your own risk” as one does with all plugins. For more go > Commenter Spy [...]

  3. Trackback from BloggingPro China » WordPress Plugin: Commenter Spy

    [...] Commenter Spy [...]

  4. Trackback from GeoMapLookup: Find That IP on a Map

    [...] You can [...] visit GeoMapLookup to do a lookup for your current IP address [...] My WordPress plugin Commenter Spy now uses this URL for lookups. [...]

  5. Will says:


    Sadly not working here. Just uploaded the plugin and enabled. Switched to manage comments page and clicked on the commenter’s IP address. Still uses…

    Thanks anyways,


  6. (post author) Daniel says:

    Which version of WordPress do you use? Please copy and past the URL of the admin page you are no and the full URL to ws.arin-net.

  7. Trackback from WordPress: Commenter Spy Plugin » Dee’s-Planet! Blog

    [...] cinnamon blog [...]

  8. Trackback from MondoBlog » Blog » Wordpress World Num 8

    [...] Commenter Spy Per geolocalizzare gli autori dei commenti pubblicati sul vostro blog [...]

  9. Trackback from - - Chris’ Blog - I Never Could Get The Hang Of Thursdays

    [...] Commenter Spy – not quite as scary as it sounds, just gives me a shortcut to find the approx. geographical location of a commenter’s IP (or more accurately, their ISP). [...]

  10. Erick S. says:

    It seems to work great! Amazing! I really like this, it makes tracking your visitors so much more vivid…Sigh…

    The weblog-thingie I am using it on isn’t online yet, when it is, I will use this amazing plugin to the fullest!


  11. Erick S. says:

    I love the fact I see my Favicon here with my post…Great! Available here somewhere?

  12. (post author) Daniel says:

    Glad you like Commenter Spy!

    The favicon plugin is called Favatars. I had some trouble to get this working but after removing two of the three same lines in super_flush() and removing the two lines

    in favatars_option_page() it worked on my server.

  13. Sue says:

    That’s so cool! It’s not very accurate, but I like the pictorial representation of where commenters are from.

  14. Trackback from Standing Tall » WPのプラグイン:Commenter Spy

    [...] ダウンロード:Commenter Spy [...]

  15. Alexander says:

    For me its kinda accurate, but what the heck.. Its better than just whois lookup! Thx for a great plugin!

  16. Trackback from :: el boukhari » » Plugins WordPress

    [...] Commenter Spy est un plugin qui vous permet d’exploiter cette info afin de géolocaliser cette IP. [...]

  17. says:

    I have some problem when implementing the plugins to my site.
    My site ( ) is wordpress version 2.1
    I dunno why it’s not shown up….

  18. (post author) Daniel says:

    It definitely works with WP 2.1.x. You have to enable JavaScript for this plugin. After activating it the linked URL for commenter’s IP addresses is changed. If you still have problems please send me an e-mail with more details and the source code of the HTML page you have problems with.

  19. Trackback from Digital Ramble » Blog Archive » creating another plugin: reply to from admin panel

    [...] I looked at two existing plugins: Paged Comment Editing and Commenter Spy. [...]

  20. Scudfish says:


    I can’t get it to work with 2.1.2 either… :( It worked fine with 2.0.x


    No sure where to go from here as I’m not really a coder.


  21. (post author) Daniel says:

    did you upgrade Commenter Spy to the latest version? If so, please e-mail me the exact URL of the page showing comments and this page’s source code. I’ll take a look at it then.

  22. Trackback from Commenter Spy -

    [...] Commenter Spy Commenter Spy Version: 1.2 License: GPL Description: This plugin changes the URL used for the WHOIS request which is triggered by a click on the IP addresses shown on your blog’s "Manage Comments" page (and Counterize if you use it). This click then queries GeoMapLookup (GeoMapLookup – See Where a Host is Located Geographically) — a service to display the geographical location of an IP address using Google Maps. This way you can find out from which area of the world your comment-leaving visitors are. Change Log: 2 entries Author: Daniel M. Gattermann Plugin Page [...]

  23. Trackback from Die besten WordPress Plugins - Administration » Tipps zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung

    [...] Commenter Spy Changes the URL used for WHOIS requests which are triggered by a click on the IP addresses shown on your blog’s Manage Comments page. [...]

  24. Rolando says:

    Wow, that’s cool, thanks!


  25. Trackback from k:blog » Blog Archive » plugin karnevál

    [...] commenter spy: hogy tudjam a hozzászólások írójáról, hogy honnan is írnak (ezt később integráltam a stat oldalra is. [...]

  26. Shopautodotca Seocontest says:

    Nice and useful plugin, keep up the good work.

  27. Trackback from WordPress Plugin Recommendation (June) >> PiXELWiT

    [...] Commenter Spy by Daniel M. Gattermann
    Replaces the standard WHOIS link (click on a commenter’s IP) with a query to display the commenter IP’s geographical location on a map (requires JavaScript). Also adds a link to comment moderation and notification emails sent by WordPress. [...]

  28. Trackback from Wordpress plugins - Commenter Spy

    [...] in Plugins by admin on June 27, 2007. Commenter Spy Geo-locate your commenters using GeoTool and this plugin. Looks like GeoTool is hosted on a [...]

  29. Trackback from WP Plugins DB » Plugin Details » Commenter Spy

    [...] Visit [...]

  30. Trackback from از كجا در وبلاگتان براي شما نظر مي دهند ؟ (معرفي پلاگين وردپرس)

    [...] Spy را از اينجا دانلود و با انتقال به پوشه /wp-content/plugins/  و فعال كردن [...]

  31. Martino says:

    thanks for the plugin, a very usefull solution.

  32. Manele says:

    thank you for your usefull plugin!

  33. says:

    yap yap
    very valuable!

  34. Suchmaschinenoptimierung says:

    Thats a very usefull plugin. well done. thank you.

  35. jud says:

    great very usefull plug in

  36. David says:

    I have blog and this plugin is very useful

  37. Armin says:

    This is super plugin. Good job.

  38. Youtube FLV says:

    Nice and useful plugin, keep up the good work.

  39. suchmaschinenoptimierung says:

    It will definitely work with the WP 2.1.x. You only have to enable the JavaScript for this plugin.

  40. Domain says:

    it`s very useful, thanks!

  41. get it from Boy! says:

    will this work for WP 2.3.2 or the soon to be released 2.5?i hope you make one compatible with the new versions. i think this plugin is a great tool.

  42. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    It works with 2.3.2 and should work with 2.5 too unless the URL an IP links to is changed.
    If it is changed and you notice it first just drop me a line.

  43. Ip Address says:

    Excellent plugin. Thanks

  44. Trackback from This Week, I Have Been Mainly Using…

    [...] Commenter Spy – not quite as scary as it sounds, just gives me a shortcut to find the approx. geographical location of a commenter’s IP (or more accurately, their ISP). [...]

  45. Internet-Marketing-Agentur says:

    I did’nt know geomaplookup. Nice service.
    Thank you for the nice plugin.

  46. OFT says:

    Just tried your suggestion on a new WP install for a client and works great. Thanks.

  47. estetik says:

    Very useful plugin. Thanks a lot.

  48. prefabrik villa says:

    Thank you for sharing useful plugin.

  49. Josh Kephart says:

    Great plugin. I don’t know if you are still updating it, but if you are, it seems to be broken for WP 2.5. In WP 2.5, clicking the IP address just filters your comments based on that IP address, it no longer displays WHOIS info. So I am assuming the plugin will need to be updated to change the way the query is called. Thanks again for the plugin!

  50. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    Thanks for the feedback Josh!
    I’ve released the alpha version of a WP 2.5 compatible Commenter Spy.

  51. Chriss Hosting Australia says:

    I was having the same problem as Josh… will get the new release and see how we go. Thanks.

  52. James says:

    Fantastic plugin, and I like the geomaplookup demo site as well!


  53. luggage says:

    Cool – I’ve seen other guys with this and it looks really good. I think I’m keen to check it out. I’ve also seen guys who show a worldmap on their site and then have big red dot where they get visits from – the bigger the red dot, the more visitors they get from that location. I find it helpful when I see that on the site as it helps me understand better where most of the comments are coming from – plus, if I was the owner of the site, I would understand better how to change my content to maybe suit a particular demographic.

  54. Firefox says:

    This is a very interesting to use plugin and it is nice to see that it has been tested with multiple Web browsers.

  55. red heart yarn says:

    that plugin was very helpful bro..keep up

  56. says:

    thanks for the awesome post there

  57. Saglik says:

    That’s so cool! It’s not very accurate, but I like the pictorial representation of where commenters are from.

  58. Kwazulu Natal Hotels says:

    Thanks for this great plugin! I installed it and hope it works! It looks great!

  59. SEO Zombie says:

    This is nice. I like knowing where my visitors come from. I spend a lot of time looking at geographical stats in Google analytics, will be nice to know on a comment by comment basis.

  60. Bunk Beds says:

    While having the ip address available, I’m not what you could really do with this information other than finding out someone’s geographical location? But sometimes, like road runner, will have you logged into a server several states away, so this wouldn’t apply. Would this be a correct assumption?

  61. Steve H says:

    Thanks for this plug in, works a treat

  62. Voos says:

    Thanks for this great plugin! I will test it out, its great to have these little tricks on the blog administration! Thanks!

  63. kop says:

    While having the ip address available, I’m not what you could really do with this information other than finding out someone’s geographical location? But sometimes, like road runner, will have you logged into a server several states away, so this wouldn’t apply. Would this be a correct assumption?

  64. (post author) Daniel Gattermann says:

    It is just interesting to know where your visitors come from. It’s not accurate and as soon as somebody uses a proxy you might even get the wrong continent.

  65. Tom says:

    This is a great plug-in, it’s really nice to see where the people who visit your blog are coming from. It might be that it’s not really accurate, but it can give a great assumption so why bother? I especially like the pictural view. Thanks for sharing!

  66. karın estetiği says:

    This is a great plug-in, it’s really nice to see where the people who visit your blog are coming from. It might be that it’s not really accurate, but it can give a great assumption so why bother? I especially like the pictural view. Thanks for sharing!

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